Superheroes wear mask to protect their secret identities...

Doctors at work... Saving lives whatever it takes...

Sometimes peoples wear mask at work from dust or hazes...

Hard labors wear masks to protect their lungs and breaths...

But now even at school there is no exception...
Strange thing is happening nowadays...
Everywhere I look people acting suspiciously...
Even my parent is abide by the precaution cares...
The truth is this is no laughing matters... In facts it was
DEADLY SERIOUS!There is some kind of Black Karma spreading infectious all around corners of the earth...
And the result is fatality to any human existent...

It's a new type A flu viruses that caused respiratory disease or Swine flu.
It's evolved from combination of human,pigs and birds...
It's dispersed by human contact, air and any resourceful activity...
It's can even stand or live by temperature up to 75 degrees celcius...
It's spread worldly began in country of Mexico by transportation or travelling diluted by lacks of health security and distinctive measure...
Such symptoms is flu, high fever, body aches, coughing, sore throat and respiratory congestion.
This catastrophe is raw and evolving... Scientific still analyze probing and frontier for the exact vaccine...
Our lives is in jeopardy... But there is still some hopes if we follow the good procedures...
10 Perkara Mengenai Selsema Babi / H1N110 things about Swine Flu/H1N11. Anda perlu berada di rumah sepanjang tempoh kuarantin yang ditetapkan (seboleh-bolehnya duduk dalam bilik berasingan dari ahli keluarga yang lain).
If you infected, stayed at home by the quarantine regulated. ISOLATED yourself from your family that is still in health
2. Anda tidak dibenarkan keluar dari rumah sama ada untuk bertugas, pergi ke sekolah, tuisyen, rumah ibadat, majlis makan, kenduri, membeli-belah dan lain-
lain aktiviti atau mana-mana tempat awam.
NEVER allowed wandering anywhere or doing functional works as it possible spreading disease to peoples around you
3. Amalkan kebersihan diri:
PROPER self-cleaning:
* Tutup mulut dan hidung dengan tisu, tuala atau sapu tangan apabila batuk atau bersin. Buang tisu yang telah digunakan ke dalam tong sampah.
COVERED your nose and mouth with clean fabric if cough or sneeze. Throw away the dispose into proper wastebin.
* Kerap membasuh tangan dengan air dan sabun terutama selepas batuk atau bersin. Basuh tangan selepas menyentuh hidung, mulut dan mata anda.
REGULARLY watch your hand after cough and sneeze or touched your upper body.
* Elakkan berkongsi peralatan peribadi seperti tuala, sapu tangan dan lain-lain. Sebaik-baiknya gunakan tandas yang berasingan.
PREVENTS from sharing personal things with other kinsperson. Amend using different toilet.
* Pastikan pengudaraan yang baik di dalam rumah.
BE SECURED steady air-breathing systems in your house
* Permukaan objek seperti lantai dan meja yang tercemar oleh cecair hidung atau mulut perlu dibersihkan. Gunakan bahan cucian berasaskan klorin (
misalnya, chlorox - Campurkan 1 bahagian chlorox dengan 49 bahagian air).
WIPED clean any furnishings or objects of any fluids from your spue. Used cleaner liquid based of chlorine.
4. Jika ada demam, batuk dan mengalami gejala-gejala selesema dan perlu berhubung dengan orang lain, gunakan penutup mulut dan hidung (mask).
IF the need to communicate, conceal your mouth and nose using surgical mask or dry cloth
5. Kurangkan pertemuan dengan rakan atau saudara mara dan elakkan dari hadir di tempat awam.
LIMITS yourself of any gathering or public assembly
6. Pantau suhu badan (demam) dan tanda-tanda jangkitan setiap hari sepanjang tempoh kuarantin.
CHECKS your temperature regularly and any other symptoms while in quarantined
7. Dapatkan bantuan saudara mara atau rakan bagi memperolehi keperluan harian jika tinggal bersendirian.
GET helped in cautious from relatives or friends for basic needed if living alone
8. Catatkan nama, nombor telefon dan alamat saudara mara, rakan atau mereka yang mengunjungi rumah anda.
WRITTEN named, telephone numbers and address from any peoples that visited you
9. SEGERA hubungi Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah berdekatan sekiranya mengalami demam atau gejala-gejala lain penyakit.
PROMTLY contact your Medical Consulate if the symptom still persist
10. Ikuti perkembangan semasa mengenai penyakit ini dari laman web Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, radio, TV dan akhbar.
Always alerted about the latest news about this disease from Medical Goverment,radio, television and newspapers
11. Yang utama, berjumpa dengan doktor anda jika anda mendapati tanda-tanda awal jangkitan... Dan JANGAN PANIK
FOREMOST, consults your doctor if you have the early symptoms... DO NOT PANIC
PANDUAN MEMAKAI TOPENG MUKAGUIDES WEARING PROTECTIVE MASK1. Basuh tangan sebelum memakai dan selepas menanggalkan topeng muka.
Watch clean your hand and face before and after using the protective mask
2. Tetulang besi ialah bahagian atas
Reinforce is on the upper-side of mask
3. Arah lipatan mengarah ke bawah ialah bahagian luar
Folded part below is the exposed side
4. Letak getah topeng muka dengan kemas di belakang telinga (jika jenis tali ikat dengan kemas belakang kepala)
Wear properly the rubber string behind ears (or strapped it securely)
5. Topeng muka mesti menutupi hidung, mulut dan dagu
Protective mask required to concealed your nose,mouth and chin
6. Tetulang besi hendaklah tekan mengikut bentuk hidung dan muka
Press the reinforce according to your facial figure
7. Jangan sentuh permukaan topeng muka untuk mengelakkan pencemaran
Prevented to touched the mask's face to avoid contaminated
8. Apabila menanggalkan topeng muka, elakkan menyentuh bahagian luar kerana bahagian ini kemungkinan mengandungi kuman
Whilst removing the mask, prevents from touching it exposed area as potential contaminated with germs
9. Buang topeng muka yang telah digunakan dengan melipat ke dalam bahagian luar atau bungkus dalam beg plastik sebelum buang dalam tong sampah.
Disposed the mask by folded it inside out or concealed it into plastic thrash before throwed it into wastebin
10. Ganti topeng muka jika ianya rosak, basah atau berhabuk
Replace protective mask with the new one if damaged, wore out or soiled.
Golongan yang mempunyai risiko yang tinggi berbanding orang lain jika dijangkiti A H1N1 ini harus lebih berhati-hati iaitu :High risk individual infectious or extra-precautions by the disease:- Wanita mengandung/Pregnant women
- Obesiti/Obesity
- Penghidap asma/asthma or allergic reaction
- Pesakit paru-paru kronik/Chronic lung disease
- Pesakit diabetes/Diabetes illness
- Pesakit yang mempunyai imuniti rendah/Low immunity illness
This epidemic has turned us into housebound... We forbidden from socialies with others, or introduced by shakehand....
Even we can't visited kind places without any priority...
Most disastrous of all it fatality toward children and oldster... It's our most loved one that is in peril...
It's not only infected our lifes... But sociality and dearest surrounded us....
It's our tendency to oppose for survival in this crucial world... We had no other choice to go....
We had to lived firmly and endure everything that occurs...
Isn't it pleasant and healthy?...