Have you ever feels been stalking by someone with bulky eyes?
rounded red noses with honk? and mouth with chalky wide?...
Not to mention their colorful saggy dress with bows hanging all over...
Did you notice their shoes? How could any normal peoples can wear that?
If that features didn't dash you enough... What about their attitudes?
Goofing and jumping all around you making you dizzy and gazing for more?
What'll you do if suddenly he pop-out from nowhere
and approach you with wide smile and gesture?
attempting to adore you with his weird personality and joyous figures...
Are they trying to be funny? But who's laughing?
Where do they come from? What's their purposes?
Why do they motivated like that? to be cheers and acts oddly?
Welcome to the antic WORLD OF CLOWNS!
(Credited picture from various E-Sources)
(Credited The Joker courtesy from DC Comic character)
Actually Clown's a comic performers characterized
by the grotesque image by the colored wigs, stylistic makeup,
outlandish costumes, unusually large footwear, and red nose...
It's begin as the circus performer and developed into variety
of eccentric characters adopts of some type, such as a butcher,
a baker, a policeman, a housewife or hobo.
With the typical and classic whiteface makeup they performs
the exaggerated short comedies, to act as folly and fools,
like religion and magic, meet some deeply rooted needs
in human society,which evolved to project their actions to large audiences.
by the grotesque image by the colored wigs, stylistic makeup,
outlandish costumes, unusually large footwear, and red nose...
It's begin as the circus performer and developed into variety
of eccentric characters adopts of some type, such as a butcher,
a baker, a policeman, a housewife or hobo.
With the typical and classic whiteface makeup they performs
the exaggerated short comedies, to act as folly and fools,
like religion and magic, meet some deeply rooted needs
in human society,which evolved to project their actions to large audiences.
Clowning was developed from a broad tradition of historical performances,
"clown-like" comedic performers have been the pantomimus in ancient Greece,
the Lazzi of Commedia dell'Arte, bouffons, court jesters,
as well as the French mime tradition.
On top of this there are many non-European clowning traditions
(including clown-like figures in Japanese Kabuki theatre),
North American native shamen traditions to consider which may or may not
have influenced what we now think of as a clown in the western world.
"clown-like" comedic performers have been the pantomimus in ancient Greece,
the Lazzi of Commedia dell'Arte, bouffons, court jesters,
as well as the French mime tradition.
On top of this there are many non-European clowning traditions
(including clown-like figures in Japanese Kabuki theatre),
North American native shamen traditions to consider which may or may not
have influenced what we now think of as a clown in the western world.
Many people find clowns disturbing rather than amusing.
It is common for children to be afraid of disguised,
exaggerated, or costumed figures—even Santa Claus...
The term coulrophobia has been coined to describe those individuals
who report a fear of clowns... (Scrambled from Wikipedia)
You've said it my little brother but don't you realize that
their humors and behaves a little bit too clumsy?
Aren't they disturbing our right to move freely?
Or annoying our peace and freedom to leisure?
Why can't they wear a normal garbs whilst entertains us?

The famous buffoon Bozo The Clown!

They must be inflatable or sponges-like creatures...
Tips and Tricks when the clown sneak up on you:
Do not look straight into his eyes!... They've been suspicious
to hypnotize you to acts stooges at you own willing!
He'll lure you to address with his magical act and when you awe
at his performances, You'll obliged at his command!... BEWARE!
Beware of his pump-air balloon as it's could might be filled up
with laughing gas that make you gags uncontrollably!
Do not get too close as the clown might step on your snickers
with his humongous shoes so you can't run away from them!
Beware of his stretchable balloons as you may bring it home and
bursting to spread the clouds of bizarre laughter on your family!
Mostly with classic white make-up, but sometime they disguised
with sadly face and bloated teardrop painted on their cheek...
Be cautious as it's one of their scheme to hail you into their trap!
Do not imitates or attempting any of their clowning as you might
get ensnare to their ridiculed moves and prompted to addict!
They've known for varieties of tricks and treats and none of them goods
to us such as flower that spouts water to your face or electric buzz
that numbed your hand once you sincere to be their giggly friend...

Tip how to avoid: Standing still for awhile as he may get bores and leave
you alone... (If that doesn't work... Just give him a tips)
It's a colorful and wonderful world of peoples out there to meet!
If you could live with them, make friend and cheerish with them,
make jokes with them, maybe you could be pal with them after all...
But reminds you that all the giggles could be permanent! The jokes's on you!
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