There is The Gathering...From every corners of the Earth...
All the animals have hoarded...
By their own languages, by their own voices,
by their own experiences...
by their own experiences...
With due respect... Let us hear them speak...
(Credited the pictures from various E-sources)

We are the boldest and the noble...
We once roamed the land without borders...
Now there is a lot of fences and walls blocking our way...
If we barge in we will suffer shoot to kill...
We are not the protector of the land anymore... We are bounded...
My prey is hard to come by... I'm starving...
and twisted into box-shaped we called homes...

each other as a matter of prides...Our enemy is vast...
Our majority is still in firm until they came...
Our territory have been invaded... They killing us for nuisance sport ...
Our population is now shrinks into endangered...
Now we're running... because we're afraid...
By mistreated and negligent everything turn into useless ashes...

we've never endure this loss...Our primary consumed of jellyfish
misconceived us to be wasted plastic that choked us slowly to death...
We're accidentally strangled in their fishnet and they shredded us
to pieces never to agitated them again...Our eggs being dug usurped
and ingested raw as their aphrodisiac delicacy...
We're deceasing and we're in graveness misery...
Birds flying... We are the wings one had seen everything...
They created their own flying machine to challenge us...
It was barbaric and crude... It's spilled toxic to the air...
They created their own flying machine to challenge us...
It was barbaric and crude... It's spilled toxic to the air...
Sometimes we accidentally hit those to our own injuries and death...
Habitation and nature that provided the atmosphere had been perished...
The law of nature has been broken...
The law of nature has been broken...
ground loosening and cracked the earth crumbled from it firm...
their superstitious mystic... We're already doomed before we speaks...
Life cycle had been interfered and stiff...
But they drop the bomb in our community...
It created disastrous effects...We became inanition...
It created disastrous effects...We became inanition...
Experimental of Doomsday deformed toward wasteland...
And then there were silent... Moaning for every loss
hampered theirs beloving earth... Tragedy and sorrows
clouded every resolutions they have uphold dearly...
hampered theirs beloving earth... Tragedy and sorrows
clouded every resolutions they have uphold dearly...
The clock is ticking...