(Credited various species of frogs from various E-sources)
(Credited Kermit The Frog from Sesame Street Character)

Not even a single cloud of nimbus... Terrestrial are getting worried...
The earth is drying and every living is wondering about drought...
Nothing can withstands the vapor and scorching heat forever...

One of the remarkable creature ever lives on earth...
The species of tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs
for leaping; semi aquatic and mundane territory...
Maybe it's our last hopes to determine the truth behind all this venture...
First let us review about their life circle and form...
From the beginning of birth to adulthood in the right order...

Now let us meet one of the ever fabulous, the green gel,
The puppet master of words! The one and only!...
Anchored to you my friend!...

near your homes... Here we have varieties of amphibian living here from
small tadpole to sludge and slime, stumps and bloats...
They have all gathered here for the ceremony performing live singing
choir to bring back our sacred binary into our conditional life...
Before we begin... I like to interview some of the participants over here
crowded spot and amassed their thoughts...

Royal Frog: It's hopeless... I say, Have you ever bred on sereness?... It's hard
and lumpy... Our skin dry out more than we can reform...
I say... We can certainly sing and perform our royal duty...

about this unpleasant event?...
Green Frog: I come here to remind the human...
We're not helpless as they may think...
We even sacrificed our own skin to analyzed their toxic materials...
We eat the larvae and mosquitoes that bugging and killing them for God sake!
WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO US?!!!... Sorry... I'm getting emotional....

Back to the topic... You there sir the bulky big red eyes have an opinion to us?
Red Eyes: I got this to say... My eyes is watering... But it's dry out!... You see,
I don't have much fluid left in me... So PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE bring back
the rain...
Kermit: We could do much help sir...
I recommend you using 'MUDGUARD' sir...
They all can't take it much longer... The leaping getting pushy and higher...
But let me try other impressions before the ceremony...

Wisely: Look at us here now... In crowded place, sweltering and humid...
We're desperate for changed!... RESTORE BACK OUR NATURE or we will march
and blocking your roads until you restrained to move!... (I-I'm... getting a stroke...)
Kermit: You'll be 'FLAT' sir... I advise you to stay calm and remain still... MEDIC!

to meet one of our rareest and glorious species in moistest kingdom!

some regard about this arid weather?
Amazon Frog: Our ancestor have lives in this jungle for thousands years...
Never we experiences this dryness and suffering of dehydration...
They cut and plundered our trees for building roads without rational!...
The dried out our lakes to filled up their dams!
our environment is ruin forever...

The trees is our life... Without it we certainly perish...
Our predators will surely prey us easy... We are doomed...
Kermit: Sorry to hear that... I hope they're listening and be wary...
We leaping back to our dear pond for some other beliefs before
the live ceremony of hope to established back our nature...

of their piece of mind... Your guys have any word of advice?
Frog 1: We don't mind you kissing us looking for prince...
But captured us for your bouncing race?!... Certainly a NO!NO!...
Frog 2: I'm shy to admit it... But you human did kiss me... TWICE!
Frog 3: We're slime and we're rough... But we says it out LOUD!...
We're not CANCEROUS!
Frog 4: YO! HUMAN! Go back 'RAP*' your own places! YO!

Poison Frog: You don't know us?... You certainly have to learned more...
With a drop of our slime we can easily bring down an elephant!...
Our skin colored is a warning gift for others whose intend to gulping us...
Unfortunately the human is already aware of us... How losses...

performing this juridical duty? Beside cradling in the mud all day?...
Toad: We're the TOAD mind you!... Our species is much more superior
than your slimy skin... We swallow rats, birds, snakes even you
if you dare mocking us! This weather is not our concern!...
Our appetites is much more crucial!...
Now begone now as we slurping this juicy Dragonfly... Nice arse by the way...

Let me tell you about the Toads... HUMAN EAT THEM!...
Regardless of their massive brute and bulky...
And they sound horribly loud!... NEXT!

Predictor: Yes... If somebody up there is listening... The ground is cracking...
The river is dying... The deserts is growing... The animals in peril... WHY??...
It's THE HUMAN who is doing all the misdo...
The Hominidae should be blamed for this irresponsible act!...
Why're we too have to carry this burden?!...
Do we've to subdue everything that they devoured?
How can they commanded the Earth?!... This is ABSURD!
It's REALLY EXCRUCIATING!... I got nothing more to say...

What do you think about this sudden climate change?
Orange Frog: Wha?.. Me?... I'm just following order...
I thought it was MATING SEASON!
Kermit: You're in the right place in the wrong guild my friend...
And for my last compliment... For you out there,
this is not happen just in here... It's all over the GLOBE!...
So help us joins flippers to HEAL THE WORLD for our own...
And now!... Without further a due... The live performing choir
from the amphibian group and performer... THE CHILLING POND!!!!
Rabit......... RabitRabitRabit... RABITRABITRABITRABITRABIT
RabitcrockRabitcrockRabitcrock... Rabit... crock....................................Rabit.
So help us God...
This is Kermit The Frog... Back to you viewer...