It was an eight hours travel by road... A four days trips that will
becharmed us with the living in village surrounded by paddy fields
and enchanted scenery... We're captivated!
Indeed we've come far away to relish this hearty visit...
We have been prepared for this journey for one main event...
For the pure slaughtering in favor of Hari Raya Qurbaan or Hajj...

Perlis Indera Kayangan... The smallest state of Malaysia's Peninsula.
A monarch rule by law with population estimated about 210,000.
The capital of Perlis is Kangar and the Royal capital is Arau.
Main productivity is sugar cane, agriculture, with rice, sugar, herbs and fruits.
Near tropical weather with rich soils produces some of finest fruits predominating.
Neighbouring northern border with Thailand region at Padang Besar as
main attraction for shopper looking for affordable and bargain items...
A calm and neat places to travel with much historical and religious to discover...
Here I am a day before the festive wandering off for this new kind of territory
in far away remote that is untypically as my own home...
It was truly magnificent observing all the green and nature hearing
all kinds of birds twitter, chicken cock-a-do and duckling quack...
Even the 'moo' sound from the cows appeal my attention...
I'm into the living of peoples and nature dominion calmness...
I was gentle and proud as still there is a places you can virtually called 'Eden'...
The becalm weather gentle breeze of winds perfected for the next sacred day...
We have a coupled of visited among the widely known places to end the day...
The day has come as early in the morning as we gather at one of the
neighbourhood for much anticipated event... With all the equipments
needed and a small prayer before the ceremony conducted...
Let the pictures bring the words...
The butchered and chined meat into small pieces by then cooked or fried
rightaway and served the guests already invited helping along the function...
All the body parts of the slaughtering even the bones was not left wasted...
'Semangat Gotong-Royong' or collaborate each other bring this occasion
into great deal... The spirit of united , friendly social helping and living
in harmony... That was this festive is all about...
The second festive day not much different from the yesterday neat cuisine...
We tasted it all from meat soup and 'Sup tulang', fried meat, 'Sup Ekor'
even our jaws begin to cramp and our teeths cleaved from leftover chunk
meaning our delicacies put to a rest...
There was nothing but meat feast all day long...
The evening appear and our time here finally reach...
It's time to say good bye and forgive... 'Cheerio'