What is love?... What is life without binds and emotional ties?
Do our life completed with commitment and loyalty?
Do you feel connected to everything you touch, senses and believe?
That's what I trying to find out and related to understands...
(Credited other pictures from various E-sources)
The Quickening... The process of showing signs of life...
The first senses of movements of the fetus inside my mother's tummy...
My mother feels it... Her face shown glitter of radiances...
One day will come the day that everything will be different...
My life's about to changes...
Second months...
Blood is thicker than water... Mom started to get nausea...
She keep vomiting wherever she descent...
Her emotions become disarray... I tried to kep her calm whichever I could...
To be independent on my own and as my mum's little helper...
Merciful Allah gives us healthiness and fortitudes us with courages...
Together we'll settled this conditions with effectively...
Strengthen with community like a school of fishes...
Third months...
Mom's tummy getting bigger... Mother says the fetus is developing...
It's like a root of a tree growing and growing until it's reveal to earth...
It will sprout it leaves and spreads it branches...
It will bring fortunes and companion for any living hearts...
The Earth will be blessed with many child's spirit...
And I will be the one of galore that prosperous with gratitude...
Burden and responsibility... This is what it show...
If I could understand the meaning of birth reproduction
maybe I could contributed more...
He or she'll be biologically like me and significant as me...
This is the time for me to present with my potent individuality...
And I'll always be rewarded and respected as a family's figure...
Fifth months...
As I watch children ages like me playing gallantly...
My mind starting to wonder... What's the purposed for such place?
A girl gently pushing her younger sister on a swing...
A boy laughingly throwing dirts at his brother face...
What if all the sensations suddenly lost with forsaken mishap?
What if I eternally be isolated by my own circumstances?
I guess I was lonely...
Sixth months...
Fun an Loving... There is a happy day... And there is a gloomy day...
Bittersweet tastes sour but medicine for the ailment...
Merciful rain bring glorious and sorrow... For one whose walking into
the rain will get drenches or singing trough the downpours...
It's what you thoughts that consequently happening...
Thinks positives of whatever that you conjures and decides...
Every fates is for a reasons... Every bless is a Godsend...
Seventh months...
Concerns and sharing...
Toys... I loves my toys... I've a boxes of them...
All lying there for me to connected with...
A lot of enjoyment to fulfill all my entire day...
To think that I've to one day share it with another
never bear in my mind...
never bear in my mind...
Yet it's getting closer and closer to release it freewill...
Imagine that one day, playing it with someone else
related to me blithely all daylong...
related to me blithely all daylong...
I guess we could've a lot of funs together...
That's what I promise...
That's what I promise...
Eighth months...
That I could have it all for me and only for me...
To realize that center of fondness is not for me all alone...
Sharing and loving each other that's what I been taught...
Love and affections bestowed with courages and tenderness...
To be a dear son and aspirants to our parent...
Ninth months...
The night to be remembered... I was sleeping...
My grandparent is here for a visit after we return
from relatives wedding ceremony...That night
my mother in pain... My parent rushed to the appointment
My grandparent is here for a visit after we return
from relatives wedding ceremony...That night
my mother in pain... My parent rushed to the appointment
hospital as the vital sign shown... I was asleep...
25 October 2010... At 4.30 P.M, the miracle happen...
The birth of innocent and pure heart bewildered my emotion...
Finally... I embrace...I welcome you, My younger brother...
The birth of innocent and pure heart bewildered my emotion...
Finally... I embrace...I welcome you, My younger brother...

My little brother... Muhammad Syahmar...