Hi!... It's me looking at you looking at me...
EMMBEEEEEKKK!!!... Ooops! sorry for my natural habit...
It a figures of speech... Mind you that you'll get used to it...
We're here to discuss a mystery that involves one of a kind
creature that herding the graceful Earth... A species of mammal
that widely known as one of a breeding livestock all over the world...
There've been bewildering speculation that need to be solve...
Is there's any treasures hidden in a goat's chest? We've to found out...
A questions remain to answers...
(Credited pictures from various E-sources)
Q: Before we move on to the main mystery...
My first question is; Are you afraid of water?

Goat 1... WHAT!? Do you take a look at us closely?
Did you see any flies or bugs hanging over our skins?
EMMBEEEEEKKK!!!... NNNOOOO!!!!... You've been mislead...
We live and breds in a farm secured with environment friendly
regional from various countries that dairying us...
In today technology of agricultures we're breds in organic farming
that let us roam freely on a pasturing landscapes...
And yes!... We took a bath occasionally with pleasures
in it's own practical way... EMMBEEEEEKKK!!!...
Q: Your lactose's doubting never use as a mass production
as other species suchlike cow's milk or camel...
Peoples feared in might be easily infected or turn sour...
What do you think of that?

Goat 2... WHAT!? Have you ever taste our dairy formula everyday?...
We've the finest biological milk ever produced that riches with
nutritious low fat content and its capability to neutralize
the acids and toxins present in the body, highly in calcium and
vitamins, antibodies and second best food option for infant...
With our lactoses can be inventive to make delicious butter and cheese...
How can you top that?... You're too much in skeptical...
Q: Human've been renowned for fashion trademark and trendy styles...
One of them is the famous facial make over named as the goatee...
They says you don't deserve the credit because of your stingy nature...

We don't have to trim or cut it anyway as it come in natural not like you!
Maybe we should copyright our distinctive figures more like it...
Please don't embarrass us with your claims and jumbles facts...
Q: Peoples consumed your meat occasionally for their feasting pleasure...
There've been a myth that eating you much'll afflicted with health problem
suchlike high blood pressure or hypertension... What's your excuse?

Goat 4... WHAT!? There's no excuse! but ACCUSATION!
Our meat is the best product as human can get! We're low in cholesterol,
high on energy and very easy to consumed... Regardless it's the way you
eat it or spices it up that produced all the troubles...
You should eat formality without added too much artificial ingredients...
Don't be greedy by eating squander... Behave your manner...
If you can't handled the consumption... Go eat chickens!
Q: Have you ever heard about this rhyme?...
My question is... 'Keranji is a small local fruit favor by human...
But it shaped just like yours feces... What's your opinion?

Goat 5...WHAT!?... You blaming us for the fruit shapes similar to our sh*t!
Are you being sarcastic or something!
There is no way we can make that on purposes...
It's our biological nature at work giving back as fertilizer to the Mother Earth...
But we do like doing our business under that particular trees... No pun intent...
Q: Do you laugh on every occasion? Your distinguished voices derived
peoples to annoyance... They even imitated your voice for irritating pleasures...
What do you've to says about that?

Goat 6... WHAT!? If the Hyena laughing you'll said it
was their natural habit, If the donkey make a sound
you'll said it was cynical, Now you said it
was our laugh that make you unease? How rude!...
The way we talk is the way we walk! and we do echo unlike the duck's quack...
You don't bother at the dogs bark or when the rooster crowing
every morning... By the way we see it... EMMBEEKKK!!!...
You do annoys at anything that moves and scaring your wits!
Q: Peoples've using your name as a metaphor for something cruels...
like a 'scapegoat' for example... Is there any reason that they blaming
you for misconduct or wrongdoing that they've cause?

Goat 7... WHAT!? EMMMBEEEKKK!!!... If there's something I hates
about humans it was this! They like to blame someone else or anything
that they can argue... What about chicken feet or dogfight that you utter
so discourteously? Why can't you use your own physical notion for laughter?
And who's Billy or Nanny that you calling us? We don't approved that!
Q: You've been renowned for establishment in the textiles industry...
Peoples wearing and designed from your wool for fabrics since centuries...
But recently it has been branded as a cheap clothing compares to silks...

Our threads and fabric is the best quality a man can get!
We gave you such pleasure and warm desire that you likely for...
By shearing us regularly we can produces more improved wool for your need...
By giving us foods we gives you comforts...
It a win-win situation... EMMMBEEEKKK!!!...
Q: Is it true there's a treasure buried in your chest? A leprechaun tales once
said it hide it treasures in yours for safekeeping from human treachery...
Is it true that you and the elf have accomplice in common past?...

Goat 8... WHAT!? How could you believe such a nuisance?
Now straight to the point... Let me tell you this, you noisy being...
Your peoples've delusional and paranoids about anythings since childbirth...
Even some of you prayed for us and using our head as a astrology symbol...
You mocking the devil resemble like us... And we're still be patient...
What if we bedeviled you with lacks of sensitivity to other creatures?
Now go away before we losing our patient and horning you right away!
This conversations is over! You may seek others to find your answers!
We are what we are and we do what we supposed to do...
We're all created by different purposed and functions on it own way...
This's a God's rules and creations and The Lord knows better...
Are you teasing with reality?... Or question The God's authority?
You better be graceful and embrace of what you are... Begone now!
Oopp!... We better leave now that the herd've gather avid furiously!
We ended this with very much thoughts to behold...
The Titanic has sunk, so as The Atlantis city...
No one ever discover the 'Qarun' Treasure,
Who's knew the culprit behind 911 disaster,
Noah's Ark concealed deep, could a flag waves on the moon?
What's the treasures exactly?... The mystery still remain...
Have you got the answer?... EMMMBEEEKKK!!!... Excuse me...