(Credits images from various E-Sources)
It'd been so long... 14 years of my ages growing up I've lives troughs
much exciting events that 's become ever lasting memories...
Time passing by till I reaching my teenage stage still so much
to learn and undergoes to be a better person...
I've make up a list of things I want to achieve or experiences
for the rest of my life though some are just delusions that may happen...
Remind you that this's a long list of agendas I desires to reach...
This's my 100 CHALLENGES! HERE WE GO!... (In non-sequences order)
1. Be a Programmer... I'm an addicted to apps games right now...
So why don't I learn how to mastered all the java script and codes
and created a software of my own...
2. Learn to swim... Dump your head and make a strokes doesn't
qualified you as a swimmer... You better practices it properly
for the sake of survival and healthy issues...
3. Gain some weight... I'm a skinny boy...
My weight's is considered below average compared to my ages...
Hoping not to be compared as a zombie boy...
4. Get rid of my tonsils...
Maybe it's the culprit behind my skinny figure...
The operation schedule's due in a couples of months
so I've to be prepared...
5. Read a lot of books... Every year's the same attitudes...
Better keep up or losing my knowledge about life and nature...
6. Finished my homework... In time... Doing my bit of mingling
between studying and entertainment leisure.
Have to choice for my better future is the best option.
7. Learn to wash properly... I lives in boarding school right now...
I've to be independent doing everything on my own...
Nobody's a helper but yourself...
8. Sleep on time... I'm sometimes miss the actual time...
simply because distraction from online games
really took lengthy period of time... My bad...
9. Hey! I got succeed in completed a rubic cube!
It's one of the proud moment in my life!
I done it in a minute now so long as I keep on practicing...
It's a achievement doing something challenging,,,
10. Keep a good prayer... It's only a 5 minutes duty X 5 times a day...
It's not even a 1/2 an hour commitment...
It's a shame if I left it out just for playing games
that's took about half of my life in a day...
11. I've known to ride a bicycle since my younger day...
It's an efforts that need balancing and patience...
First time I ride a electric cycle I crushed to a wall!
But it's just a minor bruises and panic attack...
It doesn't stop me for cruising more!
Driving License here I come!
12. I'm not a sport person... But I do play Badminton and kick a soccer ball
once in a while... Maybe a little sweat got me actives and alive...
I tried jumping all around the house until my mom get annoy...
13. Engaged with my brother and sister... Sometimes
we had a feud as me as the oldest need to be patient and give in...
Shared things and ideas could be the best communication...
14. As the oldest I'm the model of my family...
Has to shown good examples with my siblings and represent a good
personality so I wouldn't be blamed for any wrongdoing... Hehe...
15. Occasionally talk to my grandma...
She was terminally ill and needed all the supports we could provides...
I miss all the good talk we had and all the stories and quranic verses
she rhythm in the good old days...
16. My grandpa's partially blind...
He lost a good sight since his diabetes take affect...
I should carry on his duty looking for needed items...
Occasionally informed him about the insulin schedule he'd to take...
17. I have several uncles and aunties that I seldom known about...
Only when Hari Raya do I meet them to say hello...
Pays them respects and good intentions
18. My cousins mostly much older than me...
Some of them already reached adult stages and working...
Mixes with them give me much experiences and knowledge
before I reach their's numbers...
19. I have a few grand relatives still lives in various places...
Visiting them during festive season's a good example to cope with them...
There's a lot of good ol'stories to be tell and I'm a good listener...
20. I'm a little bit of childish nature by act...
If I'm hanging out with my sibling then I'll turned on into their tender ages...
Simply with my friends then I comply to be exactly as my grade...
I try to mix-up as much as possible to get the latest gossip...
Whew... Did I reach 1/5 of my quest?
Actually some of it required a lot of commitment and steadfast...
The road to success need a lot of commitments and sacrifices...
It's a long way to go...
21. Treat our family cat better... Not yelling at him
when it bite my toe!... A gentle touch and caress would help...
they say a head with twin navel 's gentle with animals...
22. I once had a pet fish... But it jumped out of the fish tank!
Maybe it had enough of me regardless of it need... Oh well...
forgive me 'betta' fish... I try to be caring next time...
23. My hair's natural spiky...
It's like I was gifted with electric static since I was born...
It's only took me about 2 weeks before the next haircut...
Now I'm look alike Einstein without the brain... Genius I mean...
24. Actually I do wearing a spectacles...
My vision's already down to 100 in near sight scale...
Playing digital games hourly doing damages to my eyesight
and I got to control it before I regret my lose...
25. I likes to eat spicy foods...
Whether it's sambal or curry it must burning to my tongue...
It's a heritage I obtain from my descendant...
26. With my skinny belly I do need a belt...
But I seldom used it because My clothes usually tight and secure...
Don't want my pant to fall off in public!
27. My clothes's casually sizes S or M...
Even my younger brother could wear it with ease..
And I'm still can wear my old clothes from my childish ages!
28. My shoes is seldom washed...
It's not that dirty and I'm not a smelly foot but
It'll soon wearied off if I'm not taking care properly...
29. I lost my wallet a couple of time...
I'm careless despite all the cautions I do inure...
Instructed myself to make a notes of everything I well aware of...
30. Stand up in the public. I'm a bit shy person...
In a crowd I like to be quiet and observes...
Have to be firm so my opinions should be recognize...
31. STOP. I'm craving into instant noodles right now.
Especially the hot and spicy Regular size Ramen...
As I wondering why's my hairs start falling out...
32. Create a hobby.
I used to collect Lego stuffs and fidget spinners...
Now as I'm older I'm thinking about making models...
Whether making architectures or designing thing
it's the assembling that get me focused...
33. I know knitting! I learned it from my senior at the school...
Now I knew I'm good at crafting using my hands...
My target now is making a full sweater!
34. I READ COMIC. To choose between Marvel or DC?
I pick Marvel first because the superheroes is more
down to earth type of guys... Much like me.
35. My favorite Superhero?
Off course it's Tony Stark's IRON MAN!
Whose doesn't want to be billionaire
donning an hi-tech robotic suit? I DO!
36. Now I'm hype into Anime!
One Punch Man? Bleach? One Piece? even Naruto
is on my favorite list... Gotta catch them all!
37. About that catch phrase... One of my all time favorite apps game's
Pokemon Go! I used to played it a lot and did pared some cool monsters.
But it did get bored gradually and I abandon it after a while...
38. I watches movies mostly into animation...
The latest should be Sonic The Hedgehog...
We got our own local cinematic box-office product; Ejen Ali!
39. My main top 3 local animation series right now?
Precisely I choose Boboiboy, Upin & Ipin and Ejen Ali!
My local cartoons's getting top of making attractive show!
40. My musical choices should be hip-hop...
Could be the pumping sound or the rhyme words got me attracts...
Whenever I heard those re-mic turned me into energizing
jumpin' jack flash!
41. I'm a comic reader...
But YouTube gives so much varieties
practically I could read it Or watch it online...
With paper and plastic wastes nowadays I think I'll stick to it...
42. Do I read newspaper?
I rarely doing it... With much faster and coverage internet these day
reading printed material's some kind of virtue...
I tried my best to catch the latest news watching online...
43. What about book? Now that what I'm losing for...
Reading a book's essential for our knowledge and mind,
It strike your imaginery and smooths your reading...
It's just the small letter that's keep me sleepy...
44. My favorite subject should be Math...
Frankly it's the numbers that's excited me...
A complicated problem need a clear solution...
45. Politic wasn't my interest...
As I learn about my country's independence history,
toleration and communicate is the answer for all freedom...
to sustain it is an ongoing challenge that we must endure...
46. Democracy's a grandeur we should all honors...
An idealism of human right and justices for all
Uphold the freedom of speech and equals status for all races...
47. My Nationality's Malaysia...
I was borne in Pahang which's the largest state in peninsular of Malaysia...
This is the place of national treasure 'Taman Negara' where you can
visit our most beloved mother nature's at it greenest...
48. My national figure's Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad...
He's a great man full of visions and insights...
under his leadership our country has gone through
several phases of success and prosperity...
hope it persists and develops into a stronghold country...
He's a Malay warrior who fought against the colonial British in Pahang.
His bravery and eager for independence marked him as the icon
served as an example to future generations of patriotism...
50. My entrepreneur of choice's Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Shah bin Syed Nor Al-Bukhary.
He was the inspiration for a small business starting from scratch...
When I grow up I hope to be able to face any challenge and obstacles...
A motivation and courage to be a businessman...
Did I miss something? I've reached half of my wisdom,
and it's getting more personal and crucial...
But not into extreme topic or serious matter...
Just a quick easy reminder for myself...
51. I eat veggies. Not all kind of it but if my mom
cook it usually I craved it whole...
I prefer carrot and kangkong as my favorite green dishes...
52. Fruits. My kind of favor's mostly sweet and sour...
Durian and Mango top of the list and others I devour for...
I choose tropical fruits more because of it taste...
53. My kind of beverages would be the brand Milo...
It's a light energy drink from malt and cocoas easily makes with hot water.
Dip in with Oreos and you got yourself a decent healthy breakfast!
54. Take a few vitamins daily...
For my health of course... Not eaten too much
make me exactly lacks of energy in my routine chores...
55. Gain my body fat... Maybe rices could help
if I consumed it twice a day but my tonsils prevented me to eat normally...
Got to rid that lumps a.s.a.p!
56. my favor choice of meat's should be the chicken.
Whatever the flavor from fried, spicy or gravy I enjoyed it all!
Whether lunch or dinner it's my preferred delicacy...
57. Roti Canai's my favorite meal for breakfast...
I could consumed it everyday from morning till noon...
Usually a double take then I am satisfied...
58. My another meal of choice's Burger!
Whether from Mcd or homemade I'm craving for it tasty patty!
Maybe twice a week was enough to satisfying my hungry's need!
59. I'm a left-handed... My writing's a bit smudge
due to my gifted uncommon ability not many cherished...
But it does have it own unique advantage...
Like writing for Arabic font for example... I'm doing it with ease...
60. Do I scare of ghost?
Supernatural is not my concern...
If you not aware of it, it should not be there, right?
Lets keep positives thinking!
61. I'm terrified of stickers!
Whether it's rounded, squares or any shapes
if it's sticky it a no-no for me...
Can someone give me the reasons
why and what type of phobia is that?
62. My favorite color should be green...
Perhaps mother's natures gives me hope and courage...
Or maybe I'm just really like something that
symbolizes greenest and good for the eyes...
63. Walking on the beach is my preferred pastime...
My grandparent's home is near the ocean
And we occasionally come by there whenever we travel home...
watching the sunset and the riptides given us peace...
64. What about dangerous trip?
climbing a volcano or diving in the ocean deep for instance?
It must have been a great challenge to conquer our self-prides...
65. If trees and all animals suddenly could talk...
What's first they'll say to us people?
'Hello fellow human.... Please stop killing us... Please?'
66. Believe it or not handphone cause us neglect?
It's just an instrument for spoiled entertainment and falsely life...
It's slow us down about 10 years backward...
How long in a day do we spend time facing those blue screen anxiety?
Now I'd said it... Because I'm one of the victim too...
We should built a flying car by now!
67. Knowledge never end... We discover an old thing
and learn a new things everyday...
68. Saving is essential in our lifetime..
All things requires expenses from tips to toes...
If you adore for something work hard for it
and gain it by earning you pay that you deserves...
69. Have you ever feel self pity?
Doubts yourself everything you do?
Praises yourself by doing what you like and never look back...
before it become too little too late...
70. Sometime I do get sick from the tonsils infection...
Its get swollen so big left only a little gap in my throat...
I'll get cranky and blame others for my behavior...
So I sleep for a long period of time to ease the pain...
71. Korean's Oden really got into me!
Now I'm craving for it wherever I visit
any Family's Mart in my town...
72. would you believe I played in rugby?
Could be the tackle or the scram that's captured me...
I could show you the bruises I got from the contacts...
I considered it all as a symbol of manly...
The Zombies Parade.... Any recruiter?
73. If Zombies apocalypse happened on this world
where would you run? or hide?
In underground or at isolated island?
If you confronted them would you fight for your life
or accepted join to be like them? Would you?
74. 2020... Is the year at home...
What it's feel like to live in the cave or the animals
caged at the Zoo?... Now we know...
75. Chosen between sci-fiction or fantasy?
I prefer something amazing and heroic for my likeness...
not so much as wishing to fly or have extraordinary strength
but own a light-saber or jet-pack would be satisfied...
As long as it base on logic and down to earth it's should be fine by me...
76. Next year I'll be facing the second most vital exam of my life...
It's a standard requirement before I reach the flying colors...
One step at a time...
77. What's the most precious thing in 2020?
The face's mask of course! without it you could get
infection or maybe summon in certain affected area...
Courtesy of the deadly virus Covid-19...
78. Do you aware that we're left alone in this vast universe?
Do we've to lose all our animals too if we not sensible...
Should it be more to life in this galaxies besides us
otherwise granted waste of lands... Are we lucky or losing out?
79. Mental illness's a fatal affection...
If you're feeling depression,insecure, anxiety or any negatives
reaction, please get some help or talk to someone's professional...
Don't ever walk alone or keep yourself desolated...
There's someone who's care...
80. I don't dance and can't sing and unskilled
to play any musical instruments...
I maybe good at handcraft or mind's game
like chess and rubic cube but weak in compete's game...
Not much medals in my home collection...
81. I don't have Facebook and Twitter account...
Now I'm rely only my Gmail and Instagram only...
It's nothing just a some subscribes about Marvel and my homework study...
82. I'm not very good at doing housework...
washing dishes or clothes takes some times after
much yelling from my mom deafening my eardrums...
I noticed it for my best interest and lesson of life...
Mom... I loves you...
83. I'm rarely hanging out with my former schoolmate...
We do meet in online games or sometimes when a great
movie's coming out...
84. My temper do boiling up if the job not right...
assemble a complex legos or doing a repeated homework do stress my nerves...
I like to be in controlled all the time for what I do
and if I'm about to give-up I should read my list number 69.
85. I brushed my teeth twice a day...
I care for it to be nice,shiny and clean...
Brightening your teeth's one way to raise your self-esteem...
86. How to act macho?
Be cuter and flex your muscles every time in public?
Or be yourself and honest to deliver your point...
Actually people's doing both to reach glory... Am I right?
88. Am I shy with girl? romantic isn't my stuff...
I'm not a flower of gifted type sort of person ,
It's not my time yet to be in relationship...
Beside I got my mom to express my feeling... She's the first.
89. I'm not judgmental but I decline racist attitude...
We all got same red blood and getting older each minutes...
It's the moral issues to one another we'd to proclaim...
Treat each other well and be good to yourself...
90. 2020's the year of PANDEMIC! Everyone's should stay at home
and let the Earth's cure by itself...
Did I skip any numbers?
I hopes some of the bittersweet memories developing me
the meaning of life as I reaching my manhood...
It's in my BUCKET LIST!
91. I've joined school's cadet and ranked as a corporal...
It's my little duty to insure the safety for my country...
Maybe I'll get a call someday if Aliens invader crashes on earth... Who knows?
92. Get to known my own country...
There's a lot of fascinating places in my land I should visit.
I prefer nature calls than amusement theme parks for it greenish affect.
93. Travel around the World... Isn't that everybody's dream?
94. Place I want to visit in the world?
The Pyramid in Egypt... And finally, completing my 5 pillars
of Islam, The Kaaba in Mecca doing Hajj.
95. We could only view them in night sky...
Our own galaxy far far away and I wish in my time
we've created somekind of transport to travel there... I WISH!
96. No more deceases and poverty...
Too much for hopes but it could happen if we stated our mind for doing goods...
Make the growing much productive and bigger supply,
Clean environment created healthy lifestyle and spotless mind.
97. A flying transport, cheap and affordable without
ruin the environment... We've the magnet to keep us float
and let concentrate on that to create something marvelous!
98. What inside the ocean? We're dumbfold keep looking
up while deep underneath we never explore the enchanted region...
Maybe we could live underwater while watching all the fishes swimming by...
99. Right underneath our feet to the core on earth's something
we should think about... Not only the raw fuel or valuable materials
we can discover but maybe a living hot blooded creature... A mole man perhaps?
This's all about my life and dreams I sought to reach...
Maybe some of them will just to be a fantasy...
But we've to keep on dreaming to be success and ?...
So that was it!... Whose wanted to read all of this wishful thinking?
Will it all be true?... It's up to me to keep my word...
Do we need to achieves all of our aspirations? Or we just dreams?