This is not a profit for advertising...
This is a free publicity for the world's most renowned potion...
This is a free publicity for the world's most renowned potion...
(Credits images from various E-sources)
Every morning's a new day...
Among the daily routine that we must do after getting
to work or to school, what we think of to make is a special drink.
Almost every household prepared this particular beverage on the table...
Getting up early to school would not be complete without Milo ...
It nourishes and energizes the body until the bell's ring ...
It's an affordable product, easy to prepare, and pleasing tasteful...
The fume and aroma steaming in the air
makes you envision it's a good day to success...
We drink it every day to get the energy....
What energy you might ask...
The ingredients's simple but yet ingenious...
It's a mixture of malt, skimmed milk and chocolate as the main elements,
blended and processed into powder and ready to serve...
Just add hot water and stir it up until it foaming well...
To achieved more tasty, fuse in a number of spoon creamer milk (not recommended)
of your choice and sip it as you imagine being in the new realm...
Melt in a few ice cubes if the weather is hot and enjoy it lasting freshness...
Although it is said to be a sugary drink yet
simply with controlled diet it's should be a nutritious refresher
suitable for the whole family...
The goodness lies in the grasp and sweetness taste...
You can it eat in powder if you're in a hurry or turn it into a snack...
Well...It lies in the hearts of each of us which is
the best but for sure Milo is the top choice ...

The famous Milo's van... Throughout the years...
Why Milo's closest to our heart as Malaysian?
Some of the true reasons mainly because...
MILO makes us...Proud and Self-confident...
You've in deadline? Need a quick exit?
Grab a sachet of Milo and have a sip...
Instantly a world of terrific ideas come rushing in giving you the zing...
You got to go! and back to business...
MILO turn us... Into courage and able...
Our ability to withstand difficulty and hardship to earn...
Try wipe out the sweat off by relaxing with Milo's cube
and feel the flows of verve running trough your systems...
MILO provides us... Energy and Might...
Tired of working and constant bickering to speedily managing workload ...
but it requires additional strength and energy to move on...
What it need is a mug of Milo and it'll drive
our muscles to run steady and smoothly...
MILO shape us to... Run and Progress!
You're in doubt... You're in the run...
The track look too far away and you're lagging behind...
Suddenly a boost of energy charging up urging you to move forward,
not only to achieve victory, but to reach the finish line...
MILO connected us to... the WORLD!
Milo become latest sensation in Japan! What?
After so many years... It's finally favored in the Land of the rising sun...
Now you can enjoy travel to that country
without the need to bring along excessive package.
Milo and sport's like water and babies...
Milo throughout time hosted various annual sports events in Malaysia
particularly school's recreation and still remain as the top main sponsor.
Who has never queued up waiting for their turn to take free Milo?
Among the nostalgia of the school days that'll be never forgotten forever...
And then people got creative...
Why choice a one way when there's many ways?
So then created a variety of creative and appetizing ideals to try and enjoy...
The legendary Milo Dinosaur
Bake in a cake and cookies...
As long as the recipes's right melting delicious...
I'm not going to show you how I drink it...
Not's that I shy away of the spilled I made from drinking in hurry...
But I assure you I consumed it 2 times a day at morning and night.
Are you feeling tired? Your muscles strain?
Your tongue bitter? your stomach tingle?
The truth is...
You want MILO everyday...
Credits reference guides: