Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Bukit Jalil's Parking Lot Stadium

Syahmar's diary...
It was a mild evening day... The clouds bestowed slowly as if the time stand still...
We'd just finished visiting an autoshow event an about to return to home
as we noticed something that attract our attention while travelling back...

Without further delay we take unexpected turn and inspecting there...
A bunch of question keep popping in our mind for how long it has been there? Is it for real or a vivid
of our imagination looking for light entertainment as we dare to enter the scenery...

Stood inside the parking lot a quiet amusement area as though been neglected by societies and only
us foreseen the desolated carnival and favour of guilty pleasure we tempted ourselves in...

There are some worker appeared strange and curious watching us arrives and after much casual greeting
we choose what we want to ride first but of course the cho-cho train...

Around and around we goes... When will it end nobody knows...
A nostalgic era bring to you on a fast lane...

Me and my mom... Thinking about bringing her safe and secure...
Fasten your seatbelt mom! It's a wild ride and bumpy journey home...

Heli ride with my brother...
Since I don't  have the licence yet it was him controlled
the joystick while I enjoying the view...

The Ponies Express... But today none delivered...
If you wish to mail something come on over here and 
satisfy our own special delivery services!

A stalled car-train... What's the point
if it left idle without accompanying by the token of loves?

 A space travel that won't take off...
The countdown already announced...
But no pilots attended the departure...

 A sad lonely bear...
Sitting there waiting for someone to lift it up...
Or perhaps just a hug to keep the coldness away...

Another abandoned space program...
Don't let it turn dusty and rust neglecting to repair...
Let us together aspire to travel beyond imaginary...

An elephant's tales...
If you want to grab this flabby, fluffy, trunkies
toys you have to exchange it by the will of luck...

So much hanging to bears... 
Please bring them home and put it beside your bed...
Don't forget to bring along a protruding rubber duckies...

A close-up showing such a happy facial expression...
But in their heart nobody knows how much isolated they've to bear...

  Not a living soul visible...
Was it worth watching t.v or playing videos all day
than socialise in a merry event?

I walk seeking for fun and pleasure...
Yet I aware that without companies not much to celebrate...
The atmosphere become deaden and confusing to appreciate...
I become nervous as I learn more...

My walk become slower... 
Experiencing marooned and isolated 
if it was a mistake to come here.. I feel disappointed...
So much for finding joy in this hopeful evening...

My path about to reach it end... It's getting dusky as we're not allowed
to roam any further... Thank you for the entertainment we received...
As we leave I'm thinking about this short poetry that keep flashing in my mind...
It goes on like this...

So there it was a little carnival,
seeking for fun and pleasure,
Riding the ponies or shooting to the moon,
Celebrate the jamboree with the open heart,

Much hopes and glory depend upon,
A solitary of fun never get affected,
If you wish for a grant sensation,
Be happy for what you thank for,

Inviting all to come and rejoices,
Try your luck and ponder the excitement,
So attend and jubilate the event with great expectation,
But there was nobody's at home...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Running... Or run away... is a different issue...

We choose to run because we care for our own wellbeing...

We run because it is a pleasure and a leisure activity that's good for our health and intellect...

But some people run for other reasons... Maybe for the sake of life, for doing crimes,
or maybe... just for fun and glory...

(Credited other pictures from various E-sources)

 Chase by the police...
Have you done anything offended?... Did you do something illegal?
You might be chased by the officer... And you may get caught and judged...
So  think before you do anything that violated the  laws... Crimes doesn't pay...
Some running away from punishment!

People run away from volcano eruption...
We running away if we get scared...
 If you live in the unstable ground you might get caught in this catastrophic event...
We may get shocked and fleeing  for safety leaving away all our possessions
accompanied only by the loves one...
We're running for our life!

Running From Campaign
Some part of the world a dispute is happening...
Due to religious indifference or political corrupt it's the citizens who suffer...
Communities disunited and all assets will be lost...
In casualties of warfare there's never a win situation...
We should be graceful as our country remained  peacefully...
They're running away from conflict...

Players of soccer run for the ball
Where is the places about 22 player chasing and kicking
a synthetic ball doing every styles and skills to deliver the goal?
In the arena of soccer field that is!...
There's rules and guides to practices before we participate in this great contest...
An idea of sport really taken your skill and agility to win a milestone of victory!
We run for the game of sport!

Running for Victory
This is the gathering from 5 continents assembled for the fastest, boldest, skilled runner...
Every 4 years the best of the best anticipated pursuing for the precious medal in one moment...
They run for their beloved country, for the victory and persistency...
This is The Olympic...
People run for glory!

Animal stampede
Animals do run and jump like us...
Infact some of them're more agile and faster than us in comparison of speed...
They occasionally run for fun and play  without risking for procedures...
And that's when the predators strike creating havocs and dust stampeding the earth...
The animals run away from danger!

Run for charity...
We consolidated in one place for one reason...
A salutary cause that derives us for humanity...
Starting by a compassion and mercy we assisted the needs for moral support and hearty benefits...
And than we gathered  on one place and began running no matter how young and old...
We're running for hope!

Running from monster!
ARGH! Monster falling from the sky! Everyone's running for their lives!
A  chilling phenomenon to escape from the ruins of buildings and ravaging monster!
People're panicking and screaming for help until the finest hero finally arrive...
A typical frightening scene you can watch from a sci-fi motion picture...
We're running from a disaster movie!

Running for shop
A last minutes shopping spree the night before the major fiesta that created madness, mayhem and calamity...
This is the night when parents became wild at heart,greedy and erratic...
All because of the precious gifts for the loves one that their have set it in mind...
Regardless of any obstacles and challenges they're they are streaming to achieve our wishes...
They're running for possessions...

Running for Love...
Oh no... You've been bitten by bad bug and scratching uncomfortably...
Suddenly your skin become swell and reddish and you getting scare...
Whose you got to cry for help and willing to aids you?
And then you saw her come rushing to you after hearing you scream and you run...
as your mother waiting for you with open arms...
You're running for affection...

I run because I like it...
 I tripped, I jump, I hopping around doing anything I wish for...
I doing spin, backflip and shaping my way to the extent...
Till my sweats falling down moistens my casual shirt...

I was allowed to run anywhere I pleased... And where's the conveniences place to exert your foot down?
To the PARK of course! This is the ideal location for jogging whilst relaxing in the comfort of fresh air and
motivated your muscles to the furthest...  Maybe you get whistlings by the birds or falling leaves blocking your way regarded it as a common pleasures to cheer you up... 
Take a deep breath as you proceed for another round...

Running 'll keep the health, strengthen the body and mind ...
when you run, everything moves slow, except you...
The elapsed time was feel well perceived to be very beneficial as the day pass by...

Your blood pressure getting high and your heart pumping hard, 
Your tiring muscles asking you to give in...
But you keep on running because you knows it better... 
Its prolong your life assurances...



Monday, July 2, 2012


Rabbit or Hare...
Two of the same species living in burrowed underground as their natural habits...
The family of Leporidae having long ears and short tails; One of the most beautiful creatures
that still exist on Earth, adorable, charming, soft and pure as an excellent desirable
raised for domesticated pets or as warm companion...

So do you want to raise a rabbit as a pet? THINK AGAIN!
Be aware and read this article more... 

This is some shocking statement about the leaping creature we should know about
before we proceed to the Pet's Shop... It could be alarming or it's just 
sensational theories but strongly advises that this is a true facts, knowledgeable
questions and answers we should considered about the Rabbit's Tales...

(Credits pictures from various cutest websites)

For running with tortoise...
Everybody knows about the folktale considered the race between these two wayward animals...
Because of the lack of sleep and proud boast the rabbit outmatched
by the slackly turtle and lost the race...

The moral of the story here is to get enough slumbers before doing anything physically active... 

For being cute and adorable...

Everyone want to pinch them, hugging them and carried them on their lap...
So much of criminal cases had been reported about the wrongdoing involving
the crimes of passion, fatal attraction and stolen property because of their gracefulness...

For being too much ears...

We do know they have so many enemies... 
But was it practical using it ear lobe as a comfort blanket?
Do they listen in every words we speak and make demands of it?
Can they hear off our own heart's beat and jump for conclusion?
It position of the ears is critical to notice us whereabouts and leap away if we come near...
A truth fact that if we grab the rabbit by it ears it will become paralyze...
Now it's become a series of competition by the breeders to show which bunnies has the elongated ears...

For being so fluffy...
Angora Rabbit... Is this the front? or the rear portion?

My,my... Oh my... What happen if it covered all over the softy skin?
It become a furball! The softy fur is crucial to keep body heat or coldness from varying weather...
Can you guess which side is which whenever they in trances, sleep or be aware of us looking in resent?
Never turn your rabbit into guinea pig and started put it in a crystal rubber ball!

For twitching it nose...

Do they always get itchy nose? Or are we too smelly that make them twitchy all the time?
This is an uncontrollable manner that need to be understand and solved quickly so it will
not become a unpleasant habit... A uncertain research had disclose that this act of doing
is may be irritated scent by our distinguish strong odor...

For eating the orange carrots...

Every munchies is counts by it bucktooth...
Craving for this deep orange edible root is a must diet for every lapin creatures...
An edible hyper-carotene that will never turn them to orange color
no matter how much they consume it...
As pure vegetarian make them an easy target put to blame
for any crop's disaster...

But too much sources of carotene can make your wabbit inflated...

For hopping around...

Why don't they remain calms for just a moment?
Why must they bouncing around like the spikes's scattered all over the place?...
Try to catch them while they're hop around and you'll certainly caught a backpain in a several minutes...
Someone should tell them that the Earth's safe and firm as to not to get nervous all the time...

For wobbling it bushy tail...

Sometime we do get curious during observing their
They're not like the dog waggling it tail and drooling if in excited...
Maybe they using it as a common tactic to trick the predator
but not likely for losing it such as the lizard's tail...
Never mistaken it tail for a cotton wool...

For thumping the hind leg...
Rabbit's hind leg that look so... erm... sexy?

A reflexive activities that's need to be questionable...
Scrubbing their furs with the hind leg is a normal behavior to 
brush off entangle fur or irritating blood-sucking bugs...
What about other reason need to be explain?Such as moral attitudes?
Is there any affection involves during their seeking for mate?
See this famous footage for an answer...

For being the Magician's pet...

What with rabbit with top hat? Why is it usually the white one to be fit inside and 
choose as the main course? (in a manner of entrance; NOT as a dishes)
Maybe there is some kind of entrances to steal the spotlight whenever it appear on stage...
So magic and rabbit are equal in charms and bewitches to the audiences...

For having so many stripes and colors...
From rabbitsmarties.com

They're not a fabric pattern that we can choose on...
But we experimenting it anyway by altered it DNA and attempt to mold it as cute as possible...
As adorable as it may be this is the God's loving creature...
Do not undergo it to justify our need for greed and flaunting...
Let it come naturally and be grateful for what we received...

For being delivery too much...

Between the species of rabbit and rat there're so many different... Except the urge to bred...
They could multiplied in vast quantities and populated the Earth in no time...
A control reproductive has to be applied before they become overpopulation
and invaded in every homes...

Remember the Gremlin's tales?...

Rabbit's holes... They dug up the soil in vast area as to not be misled as the minefields...

For being too famous and characteristic design...

They have been displays,express and portrays in so many medium we lost count of their true natures...
They don't even need the publicity and promotion given but we provided it anyway...
But why we still choose them as a mascot or amusing animal as our trade product?

Only for those mature enough...

From the finest clothing line into the world of showbiz...
They've been manipulated, exploited, extravaganza , put into displays
by us great ideas... And they aren't even welcomed it anyway...
Please understand they're just a gentle herbivore need to pampers and loves all the time...

The glowing red eyes shown no mercy...

The question is... Are you prepared to accept the responsibilities and burden to pet it?
So keep your Rabbit's foot for safeluck and never pick your rabbit by it ears
so it face won't stretch and make an odd fixed looking at you... Be fond.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


There's no place called home...
No matter where we travel we'll eventually miss our own home...
This is the place where we're grown, mental and physical development until we reach the time of life...

Your house is completely your own private property...
No one can enter without your permission,
No one could alter it,changes it, or make fun of it while you're reside...

Treat your house as necessity for recreational, for comforts and pleasures,
For home made entertaiment, and of course for everlasting affection...

(Credit pictures,children's arts and gif images from various E-sources)

HAPPY HOUSES is... Make of woods...
No matter what it was made of, from bricks to steels or muds, thankfully we had a home...
House of woods is colder... And created a nice cracking sound when we walk on...
But because lack of environment friendly it's not advisable to be built nowaday...
Knocking on wood everyday for a better day!

HAPPY HOUSES is... A place for protection...
From rainy day and sunlight ultraviolet ray this is the place here to stay...
It was built for tough, roughest weathers, surely for solid defense against inner or outside forces...
Of course we wanted it to be firmed and stand supported for last... This is our house!

HAPPY HOUSES is... A place of dine...
Call your family to join and eat together where we can celebrate thankfulness 
of all the fortunes that showered upon us, blessing us with nutrients, keep us healthy,
give us providential lives, and provides us with luxuries that we desires...

HAPPY HOUSES is... A place for leisure...
A place for family gathering where we relax, enjoy, making jokes, express views and opinions, 
communicates and discuss about bringing the spiritual family anticipation for happiness..

HAPPY HOUSES is... A place for neat...
Working together as a routine activity to keep your house sparkling clean, neat and tidy...
Wipe off the furnitures occasionally from dust and dirt and sweep the floor whenever possible...
Don't forget your own bedroom and all the toilets to keep away all the hygienes...

HAPPY HOUSES is... A place of fun and play...
Do your house has a backyard? Use that facility with comprehensive and wisely 
not only for drying clothes but as a place for amusements and mingle with all family members...
Do not left your yard covered with thick undergrowth or left unattended...
Sharing with mother's nature is worth a living...Let the worms work it out, A little ant hill for preserver,
Plant the flowers and grasses and showered it with water once in a whiles to develop it greenest...

HAPPY HOUSES is... A place of slumber...
Tiredness after working out all day, doing sports activities or back from school
we reach for the spot where we can shut our eyes and relax our body and mind...
Maybe a brief of reading or drink a glass of milk before we set-up the fluffy pillow...
Ensure that all unused electricity is off as the usage of the optimum energy savings
Be aware that security inside your home is in close and secure...
Good night and sweet dream!

HAPPY HOUSES is... House of devotee...
Where we feel gratitude to divine and worship to the Almighty applying for forgiveness,
well-being and happiness with our loves ones...

HAPPY HOUSES is... House of bling-bling!
Make your home decorated and furnish with bright lights,painted it with colourful colors,
and make it warm friendly ... Don't ever let it become fade, dull and lost all the excitements...
Make it cordial and cheerful all the time...

HAPPY HOUSES is... A moment of sweet memories...
Do you remember where is the crayon stained on the wall?...
The cracked on the floor you made up? Or the splinter on the door your head bumped?
All the pictures taken from every corners? Most of the imagination, tears or joys
and the childish acts still alive inside the lively spirit house...

HAPPY HOUSES is... Made of Loves...
Where LOVES is here to stay... The place where where we build a harmonious family,
bearing children for god's sake, make up obligations dan responsibilities,
comfortables and cheerful always...
Staying with your family till you grow mature need a lot of understanding and tolerance...

Don't  allow ourself to live in solitude... Do not bring your house in gloomy...
Be happy for what you have... It's not worth a pot of gold but happiness does not count by wealth...
When you feel lonely, upset or in stressed, looking at your house and be enchantment by it own inspiration...

Think of it as your own personal great achievement...
Your house will never let you down...

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