Monday, September 16, 2013


Me... Muhammad Syahmir...

Once... I'm the only one...
I can do pretty much everything I want...
Taking controlled of my family entertainment and leisure...
I could demand a vacation, a bigger side of bed, or tagging along their back...
I was always right all along...

With the 3 of us I'm the foremost level...
Never question about my command or accept the consequences...
Usually I'll just sobbing away and get what I required...

Brother... Muhammad Syahmar... 

And then... There was two...
My brother was borned four years apart and I accepted it with high expectation...
That I can get a reliable friend  I can directed or do whatever I need...
Pick-up my stuff or I'm doing the talking as you're my labour...
Cruel indeed but I've to shown my superior for some respect and rank...

We had fight, quarrelled, for every reasons available, usually about toys,
taking a bath, or maybe which shirt to wear, but commonly which side of bed to sleep
Every single day is about settlement...
We get along better unless  the appeal directly to my approval...

Is there going to be the third?
We can only hope...

And then... For another 2 years apart it's becomes apparent...
A surprising news causing a delusion among us...
But this time a different gender awarded to complement our life...
A thorny sprig certainly need a flower decorated on top...
A graceful butterfly will one day alight to spread the love...

Sister... Siti syahnur Ameera...

The blessing day awaited for so long finally arrives...
The sparkle of spring blossom bringing glow to our family...
With passions and glory we're grateful to Allah for giving us the opportunity 
to relish happiness while not perfect nevertheless as a fondness family...

As the eldest... I've become the family's stronghold...
More wiser, more precision, my decisions is decisive to all my siblings...
I should be their leader of spirit and hope...
As a good example and praiseworthy to be followed...

Instead for a while... I've become a rebel... ...
Why should I've to do the heavy lifting? Pick-up the laying clothes...
Or do the funny faces... So my younger wouldn't weep...
I finally realized I'm much needed for family's value..
It's a tough job but somebody got to do it....

It has been for 8 months now... 
She's already crawled all over the places and I...
as the eldest has to watch out for her...
A recent duty adding to my responsibilities...

I could complaint... Or leave her all alone doing  her own...
Yet I wondered how's she going to learn to regard or obeying me?
No, no I could never let down any prospect involving my family... Why?
Because she is our PRINCESS!

Our precious jewel that must be polished and cared for all the time...


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