While you were sleeping.. Suddenly you here the buzzing sound.. Watch out!
It's could be the tiny killer ready to strike...
It existent from prehistoric ages succeed the evolution until today...
So slapping it or sprayed pesticides doesn't count...

Do you know only the female that sucks your blood?...The female has a long proboscis (a needle-like) to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals...
Our blood contains fluid called Isoleucine which is the female needs the nutritions for making eggs...
Our body's defense system reacts to the proteins in her saliva which result in the familiar itching and bumps...
Be aware that it's through their saliva, can transmit serious diseases such as West Nile virus, malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever...
Our body heat, movement and moisture play an important roll in why she desires our blood especially ours scent...
It buzzing around you but yet a deadly silent killer seeking anytime and anywhere...
It's the world's re known predator hunt down larger prey...
How deadly are they:
1. Aedes aegypti - Mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue
2. Asian tiger mosquito - Striped native of Japan thriving in United States southeast
and midwest and spreading to the Caribbean; potential carrier of serious diseases
3. malaria mosquito - Transmits the malaria parasite
4. Culex fatigans - Widespread tropical mosquito that transmits filarial worms
5. yellow-fever mosquito - Mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue


Verily that it only live in damp and dense condition... It need the essential water to survive and evolve...
Be alert of any skin rashes or symptoms such as high fever, nausea, dizziness or infirmity...
Remember that nobody is immunes or invisible from it deadly strike... BE CAUTION!
Watch this funny cartoon video... Loco Loco Mosquito or Appetites For Destruction!
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