From television to computer's games...
All contributed pure joys and adrenaline rush!
It shake your mind controlling by you to the illusion of the digital world!
It Influences you to command and conquer
your emulative until the last quest...
By your hands and thought it's created your own imaginative domain...
But it do produced positive or negative impact in our realm...
Whatever happen to your normal life? Doesn't it affects your personal routines?
Patterns of behavior and moral crisis began developing everytime you absurd...
Argument and low-esteem will arise if you not immunize psyche precaution ....
Bedazzled and spellbinded by this fantasy-ruled addictive games...
By now it reached horrific and beyond our nature living...
It random title from injustice, mystical, propaganda,
explicit or even religions concern...
We could kill, splatter or even outlawed in this surreal world...
By reality it could delusion us and visualise reflection into existent nightmare...
Remember the Columbus High School tragedy?...
Adult supervision and advisor is vital essential for minor attention...
Child protection and cencorship is crucial from exceed any further...
It is our right to apprehend and restricted it development...
(Credited the pictures from various websites)

Is this martial-art is all about?
I'm only played fight games... That my bad!
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