Friday, May 20, 2011


(Credited other pictures from various E-sources)

Supposed we live in the Banking World... All we need is to live
in proper and prosper is wealth for continuity living...
'Sediakan payung sebelum hujan'... A custom rhymes implying
for  'Saving for the Future'... Nothing could deliver us from
good fortune unless we gains efforts and elaborate...
'Work for lives' or 'Lives to Work'... Everything has a prices...

My coin banks round up... Rating by it currency...
And yes... My coin banks can speak!

Feed me if you feel lucky!

Saves me for your future educations and supports...

Slides me if you want to get down and dirty!

Invest me if you want to achieve your ambition...

Stamp me and I posting you to a better future!


1. Do you've any changes left from buying respective items?...
Just put it in you coin bank should it become heavy...

2. Make a target in a week of how much fund you could save...
It could be a ringgit or more and remember this rhymes
 'Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi Bukit'... Use it as a encouragement...

3. No matter if it a coin or notes it's still a money worth saving...

4. How much you earn in a month? Try separated your finances
by percentages of how much you need to purchase and reserve...

5. Sampul raya... The grand opportunities to galore once a year!
This's the time to make profit to fill up your coin banks!
Stated it as a Bonus from your grands,relatives and kins...

6. Don't ever feel too old to saves your money... Starting from
young ages is an advantages, but spends it unwise is dully...

7. Don't throw away your unuseable antiques notes...
Maybe it's still worth a values in money trading market.

8. My saving kid accounts...
Weight it, lift it, judge it, feel it!...
If it full enough what're you waiting for? Go to your own
personal bank and saves it into your account and your
money back guaranteed! Don't be idle for your future!

9. Put your own creatives methods for saving etc.etc...


Money trees... Moneys do not grow from trees... No matter
how much you put fertilizers on it, It'll never happen!

Moneys do not fall from skies...
No matter how much you beg, pray for it and wait for it...
You're living in a 'dream world'...

Buried Treasures... If you lucky to dug out a fortune...
It still belong to someone else!

Money fraud... HA!HA!HA!... If life could be that easy!...

The benefits of livesaving is much more vital than we could imagine...
It could redeems us to prepare and preserve economic process...
The moneys you spend is worth every cent... Be rich and sensible...

A message to Warren Buffet or Bill Gates wannabe out there...
'Saves and Invest wisely'...  THE FUTURE IS YOUR!


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